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Six tomatoes can help prevent fatal blood clots

Scientists have identified several chemicals in the yellow liquid surrounding the tomato seeds that have anti-clotting powers.

Eating tomatoes can help prevent airline passengers developing deep vein thrombosis, British scientists have proved. The potentially fatal condition, known as DVT, involves blood clots developing, typically when people spend too long sitting down. But researchers have found that the yellow fluid that surrounds the seeds in tomatoes has anti-clotting properties. About 12% of long-haul airlines passenger have been found to have clots. Aspirin can prevent them forming by thinning the blood – but doctors are wary because it can also cause bleeding in the stomach.

But the new research has shown that tomatoes contain a unique chemical which similarly thins blood – but without causing any harm. The discovery was made by Professor Asim Duttaroy. He said, “We have carried out detailed research and
tomatoes are entirely safe – even for those prone to stomach ulcers that could bleed.” The fruit prevents blood clots from forming in the first place. Prof Duttaroy and his colleagues identified several chemicals in the yellow liquid surrounding the tomato seeds that have anti-clotting powers. These include flavonoids, which are known to help prevent heart attacks and cancer.
Neil Sears.


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