Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.


Six tomatoes can help prevent fatal blood clots

Scientists have identified several chemicals in the yellow liquid surrounding the tomato seeds that have anti-clotting powers.

Eating tomatoes can help prevent airline passengers developing deep vein thrombosis, British scientists have proved. The potentially fatal condition, known as DVT, involves blood clots developing, typically when people spend too long sitting down. But researchers have found that the yellow fluid that surrounds the seeds in tomatoes has anti-clotting properties. About 12% of long-haul airlines passenger have been found to have clots. Aspirin can prevent them forming by thinning the blood – but doctors are wary because it can also cause bleeding in the stomach.

But the new research has shown that tomatoes contain a unique chemical which similarly thins blood – but without causing any harm. The discovery was made by Professor Asim Duttaroy. He said, “We have carried out detailed research and
tomatoes are entirely safe – even for those prone to stomach ulcers that could bleed.” The fruit prevents blood clots from forming in the first place. Prof Duttaroy and his colleagues identified several chemicals in the yellow liquid surrounding the tomato seeds that have anti-clotting powers. These include flavonoids, which are known to help prevent heart attacks and cancer.
Neil Sears.

Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.


Drinking lots of coffee need not pose risk of heart disease

Go ahead and have that second cup of coffee or third, or fourth. A study published last week shows heavy, long term coffee drinking does not raise the risk of heart disease for most people. The study, which followed 128,000 men and women for as long as 20 years, showed that drinking filtered coffee not espresso or French style brews did not raise the risk of heart disease. Heavy coffee drinkers did tend to smoke and drink alcohol more often and those two factors clearly do raise heart risk, the researchers report in the journal Circulation. “We believe this study clearly shows there is no association between filtered coffee consumption and coronary heart disease,” said Esther Lopez-Garcia, an instructor in the school of Medicine at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain, who worked on the study. “This lack of effect is good news, because coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world”.

Researchers also found no link between heart disease and how much caffeine, tea or decaffeinated coffee people drank. But this does not mean that everyone can overload on coffee with impunity, said Rob van Dam of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. “We can’t exclude the association between coffee consumption and the risk of heart disease in small groups of people,” Van Dam said in a statement. In March, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that people with a `slow’ version of a particular liver enzyme gene had a higher risk of heart disease if they drank more coffee, compared to those with a fast metabolizing version. Liver enzymes metabolize coffee and many other compounds. And several studies have shown a link with heart disease and copious drinking of French press coffee, made using a mesh filter instead of a paper drip filter, or perked coffee.

The Harvard and Madrid teams used data from two ongoing studies the all-male Health professional’s Follow-up study, which began in 1986, and the all-female Nurses’ Health study, which started in 1976.Volunteers in both studies fill out periodic questionnaires about their diet, exercise and other health habits and undergo regular physical exams. The researchers found more than half the women and 30 percent of men who drank six or more cups of coffee a day were also more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and use aspirin, and were less likely to drink tea, exercise or take vitamin supplements. But once these factors were accounted for, there was no difference in heart attacks risks between the very light and heavy coffee drinkers.
China Daily

Heart to Heart

Your heart is designed to last a life time, but you have to make healthy living a habit to keep it in good working condition.............

Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.


Weight gain may leads to heartburn among women

Women who put on extra pounds (kilograms) raise their risk of getting frequent heartburn or making symptoms worse even if they are not overweight, a new study found. Compared to women whose weight did not change, a moderate gain doubled the chances of heartburn and acid reflux. Shedding the pounds cut the risk by about 40%, according to the report in New England Journal of Medicine. “I see this as one more good reason to try to lose weight if you’ve put on a few pounds,” said the lead author of the study, Dr Brian C Jacobson of Boston University Medical centre. A good example is Suzanne Hagerty of Salem, New Hampshire. Although still overweight, Hagerty said dropping 25 pounds (11 kilograms) allowed her to stop taking the heartburn drugs." Since I’ve lost the weight, I have no problems sleeping and I’ve no issues with reflux,” said the 45 year old human resource manager. Persistent heartburn is the result of stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. It creates a burning pain in the chest or a bitter taste in the throat or mouth.

Obesity & Homeopathy

Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.


How does one benefit from oiling their hair with essential oils?

  • Healthy, natural hair care is basically a very simple undertaking. Here are some tips of how essential oils can help!

  • For oily hair……Promotes growth.

  • For fine to normal hair……..Gives golden highlights.

    Clary sage:
  • For all types of hair……..Dandruff treatment.

  • For normal hair……..Scalp treatment for itchiness, dandruff, and even lice!

  • For oily hair……..Gives golden highlights; treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and under active sebaceous glands.

  • For dry hair……Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and under active sebaceous glands.

  • For oily hair……..Dandruff treatment.

  • For dry hair……. Promotes hair growth.

  • For fine hair……Soothes scalp.

  • For oily hair…….Dandruff treatment; promotes hair growth.

    Tea tree:
  • For oily hair……..Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and under active sebaceous glands.

  • For oily hair……Dandruff treatment.

Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.


Mineral water boosts teeth

Two glasses of mineral water a day could protect children’s teeth, according to a study at the University of Dundee. The result show, damage due to dental erosion is reduced even if children continue to have fizzy drinks. Researchers believe minerals in the water shield tooth enamel from destruction by acids that accumulate in the mouth.

Dental erosion, which affects up to half of the teenage population, is different from dental decay. Decay is caused by a high sugar diet feeding bacteria that lives in the mouth. These produce acid that dissolves the enamel and create hole in teeth. Tooth erosion is just as serious, but often less visible. Acidic drinks and foods- such as fruit juice, carbonated drinks and even vegetables such as tomatoes and aubergines (brinjals) if consumed to excess- wear down the surface of the tooth. “People tend not to notice erosion until the tooth starts to feel sensitive or it becomes translucent,” says Dr Graham Chadwick.

The study, which involved almost 200 school children aged 11 to 13 looked at the impact of diet and lifestyle on dental erosion. The result showed the best way to prevent erosion is to use fluoride toothpaste. But the researchers were surprised
that drinking one to two glasses of mineral water a day was also effective at preventing problems, even if the children drank two to three fizzy drinks a day as well. “We believe that minerals in the water protect the tooth enamel from destruction by acids,” says Dr Chadwick.
Pat Hagan.

Homeo smile ….

Some facts regarding homeopathic treatment........

Medicines used to aid dentition..........

Teeths having tendency to decay..........

Tooth Aches.........

Medicine used during tooth extraction..........

Some Homeopathic toothpastes and toothpowders...........

Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.


Regular Exercise lowers old- age pain

Regular exercise helps reduce pain in old age, say a survey that studied participants over a period of 14 years. Bonnie Bruce and colleagues from Stanford University, US, compared the level of pain in a group of runners and a group of community-based individuals who acted as controls, reports science portal EurekAlert. Participants were followed for 14 years, and were on average in their mid-sixties when the study started. Each year, they completed a questionnaire about their health status, exercise habits and history of injuries. In total, the study included 866 subjects: 492 Runners’ Association members and 374 controls.

The researchers say people who exercise regularly experience 25% less muscle and joint pain in their old age than people who are less active. Their results show that the greater majority of physically active participants did on average between 355 and 2,119 minutes of exercise per week over the course of the study, while controls exercised significantly less. After adjusting for confounding factors such as gender, age, weight, and health status, the results show that pain increased in both groups over time.

But members of Runners’ Association experienced 25% less musculoskeletal pain
than controls. This reduction persisted throughout the study period. “Exercise was associated with a substantial and significant reduction in pain even despite the fact that fractures, a significant predictor of pain, were slightly more common among runners,” the researchers concluded.

Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.

Old age can be very pleasurable



*Mental Confusion
*Impaired memory
*Blurred vision
*Mental & physical imbalance
*Urinary incontinence
*Trembling due to weakness
*Loss of strength while walking
*Painful stiffness of legs


The effect of age change impaired immunological function,poor nutrition,multiple pathology, sensory deficit and psychiatric disorders. The most common causes of incapacity in elderly patients are acute confusion, urinary incontinence, immobility and falls............

With HOMEOPATHY it shouldn't be considered a PROBLEM anymore!

Are You Losing Your Hair? Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair, the Harmful Effects of DHT, and how you can stop your hair loss without the use of drugs or chemicals. CLICK HERE to find out about Hair Genesis™, clinically-proven to be safe and effective for both men and women to help stop thinning hair and hairloss and help regrow hair naturally.


How safe are penile constricting devices?

It is true that ‘penile constricting devices’ works, but at the same time they can be dangerous if they are left on too long. When a man has a full erection, to use the ring, he hooks his two index fingers into the ring and expands it as much as possible and rolls it down to the base of his penis and leaves it there. This constricting ring traps the blood in his penis, so he is able to sustain his erection longer. It is advisable not to leave it on for more than twenty to thirty minutes. While the ring is on, there is no circulation of fresh blood bringing oxygen and nutrition to his penis, so after a while, the tissue in his penis starts to die, and that is not desirable at all. Getting it off can be uncomfortable too, as he must hook his fingers under the ring to expand it.
Dr Rajan Bhonsle